The University recently released the Institutional Integrated Resource Plan (IIRP) document to the York community. Two community discussion sessions to solicit feedback on the document are scheduled for Thursday, June 25 from 12:00 to 1:30 pm in the Moot Court, Osgoode Hall Law School (Ignat Kaneff Building) and Friday, June 26 from 12:00 to 1:30 pm at the BMO Conference Centre, Glendon Hall.
Over the last 18 months, YUFA members have expressed deep concern about the flawed methodology and problematic design of the AAPR process upon which the IIRP document rests. YUFA Executive is working on developing responses to IIRP which we will convey to the employer and the community (especially around the inadequate level of collegial input). We find it disappointing that community consultation is taking place in a brief two day period over the summer when many members are attending to research commitments and when committees and department councils are not holding meetings. For this reason we encourage as many colleagues as possible to attend the sessions over the next two days so that a strong faculty voice may be heard.