The YUFA Senate Caucus and the Subcommittee on Governance strongly encourage YUFA members interested in strengthening the role of the Senate in academic planning to submit their names for a position on Senate.
The Call for Nominations and Expressions of Interest for Nominations to Senate Committees and Other Senate-Elected Positions can be found at:
The nominations process is open to Friday, 6 May 2022 at 12:00pm, and the election, conducted by e-vote, will occur between Monday, 9 May – Friday, 13 May 2022.
Nominations and expressions of interest can be easily submitted through an online process, using the link on the Senate page.
Given continuing efforts by the administration to reinforce its control over Senate and undermine Senate powers over academic matters, it is essential for YUFA members to play an active role on Senate.
If you have any questions about the nomination process, please contact Patrick Phillips, convenor of the YUFA Senate Caucus, or Agnes Whitfield, Chair of the YUFA Subcommittee on Governance. Both can be reached by email at: [email protected] or via YUFA at: [email protected]
Best wishes,
YUFA Governance Committee and YUFA Senate Caucus
Arthur Hilliker (ex officio on medical leave)
Nick Mulé
Patrick Phillips (convenor, YUFA Senate Caucus)
Theresa Shanahan
Jim Vernon
Richard Wellen
Agnes Whitfield (Chair)