General Membership Meeting to approve YUFA's bargaining positions

Dear YUFA colleagues,

We are holding a General Membership Meeting on Thursday, February 15 from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in 152 Founders College. The sole agenda item is the approval of the Primary Negotiating Positions (PNPs), approved by the Executive Committee and YUFA Stewards' Council.

Attendance is strongly encouraged. The YUFA Constitution specifies in Article 9.1:

9.1 Primary negotiating positions

Upon approval of Stewards' Council, the Executive Committee shall seek ratification of primary negotiating positions at a General or a Special General Meeting. Assent shall be given by a simple majority of those members present and voting. Voting shall be by show of hands.

Documents for this meeting include an agenda and the minutes for the recent GMM on pensions. The Primary Negotiating Positions has been emailed to each member. The password to open the document is 2018pnp (all lower case).

Kindly bring your package with you to the meeting as there will be a limited number of hard copies. Lunch will be provided.