YUFA and other members of the York Cross-Campus Alliance have released a third video in support of food service workers on campus. Represented by UNITE HERE Local 75, food service workers are now on an open-ended strike as they continue to bargain for decent wages, good working conditions, and respect and dignity at work. This latest video covers a solidarity rally organized by York students, staff and faculty and the resumption of the workers' strike, including the distribution by campus allies of free "solidarity coffee" at Aramark locations that attempted to re-open during the strike.
You can view the video below and here (on Facebook).
YUFA members who are interested in generating support for food service workers are encouraged to consider the following steps:
- As the strike continues, please consider not using any Aramark food service locations on campus. A full list of non-Aramark food service locations (including caterers) is available here.
- Continue to promote York15.ca--in your classes (if possible), on social media, among colleagues, etc. Over a thousand letters in support of food service workers have been sent to York President Mamdouh Shoukri. Please click on York15.ca to send a message, if you haven’t done so already.
- Share these videos--in your classes (if possible), on social media, among colleagues, etc. All three videos are available on YUFA's YouTube channel.
The Cross-Campus Alliance includes:
- Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 1356 (CUPE 1356)
- Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 3903 (CUPE 3903)
- York Federation of Students (YFS)
- York University Faculty Association (YUFA)
- York University Graduate Students’ Association (YUGSA)
- York University Staff Association (YUSA)
Together, these groups represent tens of thousands of students, staff and faculty at York University.
For more information, please email [email protected].