Bylaw 3 of the Bylaws establishes the Equity Subcommittee to assist the Equity Officers to facilitate, advance, and advocate for the reduction and removal of inequities at York University, with regard to issues such as hiring, tenure and promotion, salaries, and retirement.
These include inequities on the basis of gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, age, ethnicity, religion, political belief, language, culture, ancestry, place of origin (birth place), colour, citizenship, creed, sex, pregnancy, sexual preference, marital status, family status, number of dependants, or belief or membership in associations, and other forms of discrimination.
Members of Equity Subcommittee:
- Minoo Derayeh (Equity Officer)
- Ena Dua (Equity Officer)
- Kasim Tirmizey (Chair, Race Equity Caucus)
- Usha Viswanathan (Chair, caucus d' équité raciale à Glendon)
- Angele Alook (Chair, Indigenous Caucus)
- Ron Ophir (Chair, Queer Caucus)
- Gabi Schaffzin (Chair, Disability Caucus)
- Vacant (member at large)
- Vacant (member at large)
- Vacant (member at large)