As cited in Article 2 of the YUFA Constitution, the definition of membership eligible voters are "full-time members of the academic staff engaged in teaching and/or research, including professional librarians whether on reduced load, or on leave etc."1 and "retired members of the academic staff engaged in teaching in a given year, or retired professional librarians engaged in the fulfillment of professional librarian responsibilities in a given year", as determined by the YUFA dues list,2 provided by the Employer. Only dues-paying members are eligible voters. Eligible voters who are not reflected on the dues list will be eligible to vote electronically upon presentation to the Returning Officer of photo identification and a current York University pay slip.
1. YUFA Constitution, Article 2.4, Membership while on leave without pay: Persons on leave of absence without pay from the University may retain their membership in the Association and, if they choose to retain membership, shall remit their dues individually to the Association on a monthly or on an annual basis.
2. For full-time members, the dues list used is the one provided in the month immediately preceding the election. For retired members, the dues lists used are the ones provided in the annual year for each member.