YUFA is inviting all interested members to consider submitting nominations for Executive Officers of the Association for the term beginning June 1, 2018 and ending May 31, 2020.
The timeline for nominations and voting is as follows:
- Friday, November 10, 2017: Nominations open at 2:00 p.m.
- Friday, November 24, 2017: Nominations close at 2:00 p.m.
- Monday, November 27, 2017: Written statements from candidates nominated are due at 12:00 p.m.
- Tuesday, November 28, 2017: Voting begins at 1:00 p.m.
- Tuesday, December 12, 2017: Voting ends at 1:00 p.m.
During the two weeks that nominations can be submitted (November 10 to November 24), candidate names will be posted on the YUFA website as they are received. Please visit the website regularly for updates.
Candidate statements will be posted to the YUFA website and distributed via YUFA-M on Monday, November 27, 2017.
The platform used to conduct the electronic vote is Simply Voting. YUFA members who cannot access Simply Voting or require a non-electronic means of casting their ballots should contact the Returning Officer to request accommodation. Please email [email protected].
Written statements
All nominations must be accompanied by a written statement, outlining qualifications and experience for office. Statements should be submitted in both Word and PDF formats so that they are accessible on multiple platforms. Candidate statements will be posted with the ballot for each office.
Executive Officer positions
Below is a brief description and compensation for each elected position:
President: Responsible for the conduct of all YUFA's affairs; chairs meetings; sits ex-officio on YUFA committees and the Joint Committee on the Administration of the Agreement; initiates and co-ordinates the priorities and work plan of Officers, committees, and staff; acts as primary Association representative. Shall normally have served on Executive for one year in the last five. Shall receive full teaching release.
Vice President Internal: Assists the President in ensuring YUFA's internal operations are running smoothly and in accordance with the Constitution and By-laws; recruits members to contribute to the Association; chairs YUFA's staff relations committee; member of Executive and Stewards' Council; develops and carries out priorities and projects as part of the work plan. Shall receive 1.5 full course equivalents of teaching release.
Vice President External: Liaises with campus unions, student organisations, OCUFA, CAUT, NUCAUT, and other labour and education groups; tracks external affairs pertinent to members' interests and co-ordinates involvement in associated actions; member of Executive and Stewards' Council; develops and carries out priorities and projects as part of the work plan. Shall receive 1.5 full course equivalents of teaching release.
Chief Stewards (1 of 2 positions): Handle complaints and grievances; assist stewards in advising members on their rights; members of Executive; develop and carry out priorities and projects as part of the work plan. Shall normally have served on the Grievance Subcommittee for one year. Each Chief Steward shall receive full teaching release.
Communications Officer: Solicits and edits contributions to YUFA publications, including website and bargaining priorities questionnaire; determines and implements the communications implications of the work plan; develops and carries out projects as part of the work plan; member of Executive and Stewards' Council. Shall receive 1.5 full course equivalents of teaching release.
Equity Officers (1 of 2 positions): Facilitate and advocate for the reduction and removal of inequities within YUFA and York, assisted by Equity Subcommittee; chair Equity Subcommittee; develop and carry out projects and priorities as part of the work plan; members of Executive and Stewards’ Council. Each Equity Officer shall receive 1.0 course equivalent of teaching release.
Treasurer: Prepares the annual budget and financial reports; reports regularly on the state of the Associations finances; authorises expenditures and investments; oversees the books; arranges for audits; member of Executive and Stewards' Council. Shall receive 1.0 course equivalent of teaching release.
Recording Secretary: Takes and prepares the minutes of Executive Committee (minimum twelve per annum), General Meetings (minimum two per annum), and meetings of Stewards' Council (minimum eight per annum). Shall receive 1.0 course equivalent of teaching release.
Any questions regarding the nomination and election process should be directed to the Returning Officer, Kym Bird, by email at [email protected].
Any questions about the various elected offices in YUFA should be directed to any current Executive Officer or you can visit this page for more information.
All YUFA members who are eligible to vote may vote in the election. For more information about eligibility, please visit this page.
All YUFA elections are governed by the YUFA Constitution and the YUFA By-Laws.