On April 1, 2014, the employer communicated to department and school chairs and directors regarding the Academic and Administrative Program Review Research Information Form (RIF). In that memo, the employer reiterated its intention to pre-populate the RIF using data from members’ CVs and added that chairs and directors of departments “have the option of completing the Form themselves.”
Article 22.07 of the Collective Agreement subjects the employer’s use of any data contained in a member’s CV to “the employee’s agreement as to those portions of his/her curriculum vitae which may be so used.” YUFA has repeatedly communicated to the employer its understanding that this approval requirement also applies to aggregate representations of information.
Since the requirement to secure each individual member's permission clearly rests with the employer, chairs and directors may prefer to use the employer’s pre-populated RIF, thus relieving chairs and directors of the need to seek member agreement in order to answer questions 10-22.
If the aggregate results of the RIF exercise seem inaccurate, clarification and correction are the responsibility of the employer. YUFA advises members to notify the association of any inaccuracies or concerns.