A photo of raised hands
Dear members,
Nominations are now being accepted for the positions listed above for the term 1 June 2018 to 31 May 2019.
The Stewards’ Council Representatives (2) to Executive Committee are elected by Council (Article 5.2 of the YUFA Constitution). The members of Stewards’ Council are: members of the Executive Committee, all elected Stewards, and one representative from each Recognised Caucus (Article 4.2). The Stewards' Council Representatives to Executive Committee serve as co-Chairs of Stewards' Council meetings (alternating every other meeting). Stewards' Council Representatives to Executive receive a 0.5 FCE release and serve for a one-year term.
Candidates for election as Stewards’ Council Representatives to the Executive Committee should submit written statements of their interest in serving. Elections will be conducted by electronic ballot. Where only two or fewer candidates are nominated, a ratification ballot will be conducted.
Stewards’ Council members who wish to nominate Stewards or who are themselves willing to serve should indicate their interest in writing to the Acting Returning Officer by email at [email protected].
Nominations will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 22, 2018.
Maura Matesic
Vice-President Internal and Acting Returning Officer