Mediation continued over the weekend thanks to our Bargaining Team’s determination to negotiate a fair contract. YUFA’s two strong mandate votes and member mobilizations are getting the attention of our administration whose BT moved on some items.
There has been some progress, and the Bargaining Team is looking forward to further movement in upcoming mediation sessions all day Tuesday and Thursday, March 15th and 17th. *
Our Employer has not yet adequately addressed most of our proposals. We have yet to settle on key items identified by members: YUFA’s collegial governance proposals, including protection of the Dispute Resolution Committee; equity proposals, including accommodations; workload and working conditions; and compensation, including Progress through the Ranks (PTR), PER, and pensions under threat. The BT notes that the proposed PER increase is inadequate without an increase to the Computer Renewal Program (CRP) budget due to increased computer costs.
We need your help! Put Pressure on the Employer by supporting YUFA!
We need a strong united voice to convey to the Employer that the endless stalling of these negotiations, even with mediation, is harming the wellbeing of our community and causing undue certainty for colleagues and students.
We urge you to sign our open letter, use your contacts networks to talk to colleagues, and join our social media campaigns.
*March 17 is St Patrick’s Day, when the proverbial luck o’the Irish begins to transform winter's dreams into summer's magic.
Now is the time to finalize a fair deal!
Strike Communications
YUFA is preparing to strike on March 24. Today, we begin our university community outreach campaign. Strike mobilization begins on Tuesday with a leaflet distribution campaign (see attached) directed to students and other members of the York community.
Along with these efforts, the YUFA communications committee is working to expand the audience for our cause so that students, parents, the university sector and organized labour understand why YUFA has called for a strike after 25 years of successful contract negotiations.
You can help us by supporting our social media campaigns on twitter and reddit, join the conversation with the entire York community.
Strike Preparation
In preparation for a possible strike, please send alternative emails to Stewards or YUFA. We will use a list-serve of these email addresses to communicate with members should the Employer lock out colleagues from email and other university communication and teaching platforms.
Please send all strike related communications from your non-York email addresses. There is no electronic privacy on the York email system.
We remind colleagues to inform your Deans should you require access to any building for research purposes after March 24th. Send research access requirements by Thursday, March 17th.
Finally, we cannot emphasize how important it is to be prepared to be locked out of everything York as of Mar 24 at 12:01am: email, eClass, HR, etc.
Unfortunately this means extra work to prepare backups and to ensure that your grades are not on your eClass sites but saved somewhere on your own computer. The more thorough our preparations, the more pressure the Employer feels and the greater the chance of a settlement.
If you have ongoing prescriptions or other health costs, you may wish to submit them before March 24. Updates have been posted to the strike FAQ page for members.
An important update is that strike pay will now be $200/day based on approved strike action schedule. Details to follow shortly. Watch for future bulletins.
Finally, Members are strongly encouraged to attend these upcoming mobilization and outreach meetings. We will continue to send out daily Bulletins.
Stay informed. Meet on Zoom. Educate students and the Community. Participate in YUFA’s Actions.
Strike 101
Wednesday March 16th @ 6:30pm
via Zoom (check YUFA-M for Zoom Link)
In preparation for possible strike action, the YUFA strike mobilization committee is organizing a meeting to go through the basics of what a strike entails and answer your questions. Open to all members of YUFA.
Please also check out the strike vote, strike, and lockout FAQ on the YUFA website for more information about the possible strike and for resources to help talk to your students.
Strike FAQs for members here.
Topic: Strike 101
Time: Mar 16, 2022 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Picket Captain Training
Thursday March 17th 6:30-8pm
via Zoom (check YUFA-M for Zoom Link)
In preparation for possible strike action, the YUFA Mobilization Committee is organizing a picket captain training workshop.
Picket captains take on leadership roles in answering questions, tracking picketing activity, and helping to keep morale strong and united.
No prior experience is required. You do not need to hold any union positions or have formal leadership experience. In fact, this is a great way to gain experience if you are looking for it!
All members are invited to learn more about picketing and the role of the picket captains.
Zoom Link: Picket Captain Training
Time: Mar 17, 2022 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)