YUFA members may be aware of a grievance that YUFA filed and arbitrated regarding termination of life insurance benefits at age 71. The arbitration decision can be found here. The arbitrator found in YUFA's favour, concluding that the employer had violated the Collective Agreement by terminating life insurance benefits for members who were still actively employed (that is, not retired from York University) at age 71.
YUFA is writing to make members aware of this decision and to advise members who are past the age of 71 and still actively employed that they continue to be entitled to life insurance coverage and, in the event of their death, to a life insurance benefit estate equal to one-times their annual base salary. YUFA is aware that, since the Arbitrator's award, the Pension and Benefits Office may have communicated with members to advise that the life insurance coverage ceases at age 71 and/or when they are in mandatory receipt of pension. This is not accurate and is directly inconsistent with members' entitlement under the Collective Agreement and with the Arbitrator's ruling. YUFA had requested that the employer clarify this issue in a communication to all YUFA employees, but the employer declined to do so. YUFA is therefore making its members aware of this entitlement.
YUFA encourages members with questions, as well as members who are aware of a colleague who was actively employed at the time of their death and whose estate may not have received the life insurance pay-out, to email [email protected]. If YUFA is made aware of any such instances, we can investigate to determine whether a life insurance payout may be owing.