YUFA supports York University Staff Association/Association du Personnel de L'Université York and condemns the employer

YUFA stands in solidarity with the York University Staff Association - Association du Personnel de L'Université York (YusApuY, or YUSA) in its negotiations with the employer for a new collective agreement. The previous agreement expired on July 31, 2021.

As with the recent negotiations with YUFA, the employer is demanding numerous concessions from YusApuY including to vacation day policy, doubling the probationary period for new employees, terminating the employment of members if they are absent for 3 days, and dismantling the joint job evaluation system.

YUFA strongly condemns the employer for its lack of respect and failure to recognize the contribution of YusApuY members during bargaining. YUSA members are our co-workers, friends, and former students. They make invaluable contributions to York University and we rely on their expertise in all aspects of our research, teaching, and service activities. They help ensure a high quality learning experience for our students. They deserve a fair contract without concessions.

More details about the bargaining to-date are available at the YUSA webpage and on Facebook.

YUFA encourages its members to express their support for YusApuY, and to voice their opposition to the rigid and unproductive bargaining tactics of the employer.