In December of 2021, YUFA negotiated a settlement with the Employer on a number of COVID-related policy grievances that the Association filed in the summer and fall of 2021. As part of the settlement, and in response to YUFA’s concerns about health and safety in relation to ventilation, the University agreed to hire a qualified third-party expert, CFMS Consulting Inc., to conduct a review of current HVAC operations and practices, including spot audits of eleven (11) buildings. YUFA received reports for six buildings to date (see below) and expects the other five reports to come shortly:
McLaughlin College
Norman Bethune College
Stedman Lecture Hall
Stong College
Winters College
Curtis Lecture Hall*
Ross Building*
After reviewing these initial reports and consulting with YUFA colleagues with subject matter knowledge, including in ventilation, instrumentation, and control systems, as well as consulting with individuals with professional experience in the HVAC industry and members who have current knowledge of COVID-19 safety standards for buildings on university campuses, YUFA finds these reports to be inconclusive. More detailed information is required before making any concrete assessment about the safety of these indoor spaces. The Association has communicated its concerns regarding the need for further information to the Employer and looks forward to discussing issues with these reports at our next COVID Table meeting scheduled for June 24th.
Although the Ontario government has recently lifted mask-mandates, Dr. Fahad Razack, the new scientific director of Ontario’s Science Advisory Table, cautions that the time to worry will be in the fall, with cooler weather, students returning to classrooms, and people spending more time indoors. YUFA is committed to working with the Employer to ensure health and safety standards are in place to mitigate COVID-19 transmission. Over the summer months, YUFA very much looks forward to working with our incoming Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) representatives and strongly encourages members to self-nominate for vacant positions in the precincts listed below. YUFA will be sending out another call for JHSC representatives in the coming weeks.
Finally, YUFA would like to express its gratitude to a number of colleagues with subject matter knowledge and individuals from the York University community who have generously provided their time and assistance in helping us interpret these CFMS reports.
For more comprehensive feedback on the six building reports received to date, please see a briefing provided by our YUFA colleague and JHSC representative, Professor James Smith.
* YUFA received the CFMS reports for Curtis Lecture Hall and the Ross Building from the employer this morning, June 22nd, 2022. These reports have not yet been reviewed by YUFA colleagues with subject matter knowledge. YUFA is yet to receive the building reports for Petrie, Vanier, and York Hall/Glendon.
List of YUFA JHSC precincts vacancies: Faculty of Education; Miles S. Nadal Management Centre; Osgoode and Osgoode Professional Development (OHFA reps needed); Schulich School of Business.